Thursday, September 14, 2006



I have a little knowledge in this telecom domain. To weigh it myself I thought I will try writing something away from philosophy regularly. To see if thoughts can even flow in my mind when I think techie. Hence this attempt.

Caution: The entire transcript is influenced and not original. And with due respects to engineers defining standards and protocols at IEEE,IETF,RFC.

I always thought there are two things that caused a rapid change in the growth of technology. One was computing and the other communication. IP (Internet protocol) changed the way we communicated and the way will be communicating in years to come. It’s just made ImPossible communication dreams possible .

IP’s success must be attributed to its scalability. If someone said Wired communication was the made possible though IP, it’s only half true. IP had a tremendous role to play in Wireless advancements as well. And now let us not rhetorically keep speaking about evolution but get some insights into the latest trends! to follow.


Wireless Maximum is my expansion of WIMAX although IEEE’s is Wireless interoperability in microwave access. It is aimed at providing last mile access for so many new access technologies that are rising. Wimax promises high speed wireless broadband internet with mobility. This technology promised data rates of 70Mbps(Incredible). But the promised throughput in the Rev e version(mobility) is 3Mbps(equally incredible for wireless tech.) .Once this technology is a reality its going to change the way this world communicates, courtesy IPV6.

Triple play:

How exciting to hear when someone says in a single cable I will get access to Interactive cable TV (IPTV), Telephone and broadband internet without OFC? Yes this is will be possible. And to add more glamour to this technology , IP TV is going to change the outlook of the traditional TV with a load of interactive features like mail access over the TV, Recording, Choice based viewing, online gaming , Online gambling/betting. And what’s more all this can happen wireless with a router in one corner of my house !!


Are you bored of the analog telephony over SS7 that keeps wasting bandwidth because of dedicated channel allocation? HANG ON! Telephony is gonna change as well. All those costly copper wires will be gone. Voice over IP ,telephony or Intelligentphony(my abbreviation :)) will introduce optimization and cut heavily on costs and investments. Its gonna be a very very small and cheap world going further!

Mobile TV:

Did u miss that Soap (Mega serial!) yesterday because you were at work.. Here comes MobileTV another technology which is going to revolutionise life courtesy again IP and Wimax. This technology is also proposed to be linked with Triple play and called Quadraplay.

One of the magical teachers I met at Wipro told me this “Network is world” .That’s the mantra these days.

I have just given few HOT technologies which were incredible a while back but not IP is making all these look very much possible. Further deep insights will continue !! Food for thought for googling :)

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