Saturday, May 05, 2007

Handling Criticisms ...

For all possible reasons ,I don’t want my blog to be containing Management lessons. However I thought this topic is more relevant to the present world in all phases of life. So Here we go…

As people are becoming more and more communicative and expressive there is a thought pattern that gets associated with people uniformly. To be more precise, a person who is interested in philosophy has a particular verbatim. A person who is a communist has his own way of forming and expressing his opinion, and So on… Now move this paragraph to your cache memory and read On..

As the world is shrinking we are getting exposed to various cultures, communities and reactions. For example during a day we see the same news happening in some part of the world in SunTV, BBC,NDTV,Fox,CNBC and what not… Not only is there a verbal difference but there is also a difference in the way the news is presented. I have the same request.. move this paragraph to your cache memory and read On..

As this ambit of communication is wide and narrow :), there is bound to be a lot of criticisms associated with every situation we handle, day in and day out. I have observed that there is very little response time these days. Whenever there is a criticism it’s handled almost instantaneously. The reaction time being so less, can also be stopping the individual from thinking what he is saying and to whom he is saying. After all words once said are said. You cannot take them back!

I am referring to those marriage’s which end in divorce in few months. I am referring to the job that we all quit just a month after joining. I am referring to the contracts that get closed with our customers because of few minutes of debate. I am talking about the friendship that takes few moments to break, but which shaped up along years.

And I am sure each one of us have been part of such incidents and must agree that all of us over-reacted in such situations. The fact that we nod our head when we agree to have over reacted sums it all up. We didn’t analyse and react, to the criticism that we were subjected to. To a great extent all this is caused by our ego which takes control of our mind and makes us do things in a hurried fashion. To be frank it requires a very matured thought process to analyse things on the fly, and react to people around us. And the ones who do are called philosophers!!

Personally when I am confronted with such situations, I like to step out of it from stopping myself from reacting to it. So I am not a philosopher :) .I either say a sorry and make the person feel guilty, or just walk out of the tepid situation speechless. Because there will definitely be a time when the person who criticized you would feel guilty about it and come to you and seek your opinions. I am ruthless during that time. Because he has come to hear to you, and you should express all that you felt. In that way you don’t hide all your emotions. This may take you out of depression.

My quota of one MS Word page has ended.. Will continue writing about this some time later.

Until then keep thinking and Happy reading!