Saturday, May 05, 2007

Handling Criticisms ...

For all possible reasons ,I don’t want my blog to be containing Management lessons. However I thought this topic is more relevant to the present world in all phases of life. So Here we go…

As people are becoming more and more communicative and expressive there is a thought pattern that gets associated with people uniformly. To be more precise, a person who is interested in philosophy has a particular verbatim. A person who is a communist has his own way of forming and expressing his opinion, and So on… Now move this paragraph to your cache memory and read On..

As the world is shrinking we are getting exposed to various cultures, communities and reactions. For example during a day we see the same news happening in some part of the world in SunTV, BBC,NDTV,Fox,CNBC and what not… Not only is there a verbal difference but there is also a difference in the way the news is presented. I have the same request.. move this paragraph to your cache memory and read On..

As this ambit of communication is wide and narrow :), there is bound to be a lot of criticisms associated with every situation we handle, day in and day out. I have observed that there is very little response time these days. Whenever there is a criticism it’s handled almost instantaneously. The reaction time being so less, can also be stopping the individual from thinking what he is saying and to whom he is saying. After all words once said are said. You cannot take them back!

I am referring to those marriage’s which end in divorce in few months. I am referring to the job that we all quit just a month after joining. I am referring to the contracts that get closed with our customers because of few minutes of debate. I am talking about the friendship that takes few moments to break, but which shaped up along years.

And I am sure each one of us have been part of such incidents and must agree that all of us over-reacted in such situations. The fact that we nod our head when we agree to have over reacted sums it all up. We didn’t analyse and react, to the criticism that we were subjected to. To a great extent all this is caused by our ego which takes control of our mind and makes us do things in a hurried fashion. To be frank it requires a very matured thought process to analyse things on the fly, and react to people around us. And the ones who do are called philosophers!!

Personally when I am confronted with such situations, I like to step out of it from stopping myself from reacting to it. So I am not a philosopher :) .I either say a sorry and make the person feel guilty, or just walk out of the tepid situation speechless. Because there will definitely be a time when the person who criticized you would feel guilty about it and come to you and seek your opinions. I am ruthless during that time. Because he has come to hear to you, and you should express all that you felt. In that way you don’t hide all your emotions. This may take you out of depression.

My quota of one MS Word page has ended.. Will continue writing about this some time later.

Until then keep thinking and Happy reading!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

What drives a Boom…?

I was just thinking about what’s in a boom. What drives it? And what brings a downfall. And why I got this thought suddenly? Because for the first time in my life I today came across a company laying off people. So I thought I would better discuss and explore what keeps the giant wheel going round and round, up and down :)

Read this…

Sam Walton said,

“There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else”

But drilling a little down everyone is a customer and each of us work in this viscous circle to keep the circle a perfect one ,ensuring the circle has no open ends! Not making sense??… I will explain it with a example.

In India we work in a services oriented fashion. Lets for the sake of it assume Iam a engineer working for a client Nokia. Now I work only to please my client and make him happy. I ensure I deliver my part of the product best.Nokia does his part of it ,integrates them and makes sure he sells his mobile to make his customer happy. And who is this customer? .The so called End Customer/Consumer? ..It happens to be me, you or someone else. And the money nokia earns it shares with me indirectly because I am paid indirectly by him.

Now there are two things. One, economies/companies grow only by sharing wealth and two, the consumer needs to spend, for the money to percolate. Only then the wealth flows and at some point flows back to us.

If you read the above paragraph again you will realise that these are the two things USA does excellently well.

And what is this viscous circle I am talking about should already be clear to you. It’s a binocular view of Demand – supply theory. Only if the supply is matched, and matched with the demand the product would sustain in the economy. If for some reason the demand becomes less the loop is broken. To be precise if the consumer is not in a position to afford the product or the product is not meeting consumer’s expectation then, the company/economy/product will become obsolete.

And now you know who drives the boom? Its you and me!!. :)

Having talked about spending/sharing wealth, to sustain the boom for our selfishness, :) in my next blog I will write about Saving!!!

Till then Happy reading…

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Oh ya!!, the long pending onsite trip of mine finally happened and I think the excitement of being in the new culture and seeing a developed economy kept me occupied for the first two weeks. But finally, I sat down to write, trying to do some justice to the blog I started.

This onsite had more been a path to understand the intricate advantages and disadvantages of being in a new culture like Canada or USA, so far. As the cliché goes So far So good!!. Canada is no different from USA Iam told. So i would tend to generalise as i keep writing.

For the last two weeks, I have been sighting far many things which I am still not able to digest. I came with impressions that my visit to Canada wouldn’t take me to big surprises and all my analysis about moving out of India would stand vindicated. Since I have two sisters in US and my parents have visited USA 3 times I know pretty much well about these countries. But after i have been here, so many opine’s of mine have been proved just a myth!!!

Over the past two weeks I had done some unique things which I might have not and never experienced in India. These are the obvious nice things about Canada and USA.Let me list them down…

Number One, I interacted with people from all geographies of the world. Canadian,American,Chinese,Japanese,Syrian,African,European,Russian and of course Indians.

And one uniform observation from all of them is their deep sense of timing while they converse. They mix up their fluency of English with both wit and substance and keep us thinking throughout their talk. Yes, at times they do talk non-sense but they do it in such a way that you will get out of thinking about the emptiness of their talk sooner.

Number Two , Another striking thing I have noticed is the discipline people follow in anything and everything. One of the toughest part for me is to follow the protocol while walking. It’s opposite to India both in the roads and for pedestrians. And if you walk on the left of the corridor while going south to north they look at you with disgust. And its people who are most respected on roads,then cyclist,then motorists and then follow all heavy vehicles. Directly opposite to India :).

Number three, is the variety of immigrants who have come here and settled but still respect and follow the protocols set by local Canadian government. When I was in Toronto I was told that Toronto has the largest immigrant population in the world. More than 60% of Toronto people are not Canadians!! What I immediately tend to admire is the way they have all adjusted to the system and become a part of it. Why I quote Toronto is because Toronto constitutes more than 40% of Canada’s GDP!!. In India Indians from Karnataka don’t like Indians from TamilNadu. But here people from all over the world just stay without inhibitions. They do have some differences of opinions but they keep it away from influencing others.

Number four, which is the most strking thing for me is, there is not much importance given to politics and Religion here. People don’t discuss day to day politics as seriously as they do in India. They respect and trust their leaders. Religion is of not much significance here. Many of them are not even particular to go to church and also not interested to take their children to churches. And I don’t have to say anything about India here :) .

Number five, I will end with this :) . Life as if it is day to day, is so easy here. The system has been automated to a large extent and there are hardly any failures in them. I am talking right from the morning when a municipal garbage system cleans up the city using their machines, or the microwave oven’s that heat food instantly, or the doors that lock automatically and track intruders through cameras, or the Wifi internet that’s hooked up everywhere. And once you start to office there are these GPS enabled buses which are tracked and also they are climate controlled. You go to office and find all find of devices right from the machine that gives you snacks and drinks by dropping dollars, or the cup washer that cleans up your cups. You come back from work and drop in your clothes in a washing machine that cleans then up in minutes and then you switch on your TV which works on a triple play through the cable modem!!!. As I said life is very very easy and convenient here…

Hang on… Are you wondering that this guy has turned Canadian? I am not. This week’s article as I aspired would just be to share my so called excitation. I still have my critic dormant inside. I will come out with all those worse parts of being here next week..

Till then, stay tuned and Happy reading!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Wallowing unaware!

Recently in a survey a group of people representing various countries of the world were asked, How many liked Japanese people? A few hands rose up. Then how many people liked Chinese people? Slightly higher number of hands went up and finally the crowd was asked, How many liked Indian people? Almost all hands went up. The same crowd was asked, How many liked Indian products? A few hands went up and, How many liked Chinese products, A sizeable number of hands went up and, How many liked Japanese products, Almost all the hands went up.

Yes, I am going to talk about this populist and pluralistic Indian population which has taken the world by surprise. But don’t mistake my tone, to be optimistic or pessimistic. It’s a mix of both :)

India has been a developing economy since 2-3 decades but the true sense of development and its percolation has been felt only recently. Growth by far, for any country is measured in terms of its GDP. And 9-10% growth is not something unseen in the developing economies around the world. But the path by which India has achieved and to some extent maintained the growth is unique. It’s through Services. And the reason I started writing this article was to analyse and assimilate whether a growth that relies heavily on services would be sustainable.

I myself represent the Information Technology sector, a sector that has given huge growth potential and generated employment for a sizeable chunk of individuals. After having worked for more than 2 years, Infact I believe, we were forced to rely on services since we lacked Infrastructure and the expertise to manufacture. And by the time we realised we have to focus on Manufacturing, the Japanese and Chinese became masters, and it was tough competing with them.

I have a very simple parallelism. If somebody wanted to start a textile manufacturing facility in coimbatore or Erode he knows well that he would fail. The focus is heavily on Tirupur and it’s very tough to shift that focus. Tirupur has distinct advantages which are difficult to be offset. Similar it is to shift the focus away from China!

And now I have a statement to make :)

“GDP growth has been directly and indirectly driven by the liquidity, that comes from the FDI that the, services sector has magnetized towards India”

But I have a firm belief that we cannot be wallowing in this boom forever. Because Services don’t have guaranteed returns. If you outsourced a manufacturing contract the chances of you being replaced by someone else is remote, unless you deliver very low quality goods. This is due to the Investment made in Infrastructure and SCM.

But in case of services the only investment is Human brain and it will take hours to cut down a contract. The contract that came to X from Y can as well go to Z. And Z can be a small company in any part of the world other than India. The only motivation would be the cost. If they can create a belief that they can deliver on time, that’s all it takes to do Services business.

I would leave it here and I will continue this article sometime later with few instances which hold a sign of caution for this country and its citizens, who have been wallowing unaware of the fast changing world and the fast changing economics around the world!

Until then Happy learning!!

Monday, March 05, 2007

9,10 and a BIG FAT HEN!

I had decided the topic for this blog last week on the Budget day itself. And yes, the HEN is our Indian economy. Growing at 9% and a gazelle towards 10%.

The expectations much unlike yester years was too much for this year’s budget. And PC ended up with an Ordinary, Lukewarm, Innocuous (As experts called it) budget. For me the only disappointment was not the tax proposals but that, the FM missed an opportunity to launch some exciting development projects. The FDI stands at a staggering 180 billion dollars with no proposals launched in Infrastructure side or even allocations made. I must remind the reader of the Golden Quad project that the NDA launched during the previous rule. This budget which has seen the maximum growth in the economy lacked the grit.

In spite of all the parallelisms we draw with China we lack in making massive investments in Infrastructure like China. The FM is only interested in restructuring the ITI’s which has been receiving funds YOY.

We are the fastest growing economy in the world.

1)We also have a high inflation that’s catching up with our GDP growth.

2)We have the longest rail network in the world. But we have to plan 40-50 to get a rail ticket. (or even more since laloo allowed booking 90 days in advance.

3)We have to give a cushion of 30 minutes for traveling 4-5 kms to office on our roads.

4)We have to plan a week ahead to book a ticket for watching a movie ticket.

5)We have to book tickets a month ahead for traveling to USA/Europe.

6)We have to book a Hotel room 3-4 days ahead for getting accommodation in even 5 star hotels.

The above points are just indicators that we haven’t planned our infrastructure well to match our growth rate, both in economy and in population. And this is where China, has and is, racing past us.

Before closing, I am just going to say what Narayanamurthy said about the Budget “ The FM has missed a great opportunity”!!

Happy reading!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Extra-Marital Weekend!!

Would start this post with two convincing statements….

“If a Social Foreign national film, is dubbed in an Indian language, and still holds a lot of relevance and significance amongst the Indian audience it just means that ,both the cultures match.”

And the statement No.2 is one I heard someone say recently,

“Every other happy family has almost the same reasons for happiness to share, But every unhappy family has reasons unique to their own sufferings”.

After watching one of the subtle romances like Mr. and Mrs. Iyer last weekend, this weekend I watched two movies. A startling coincidence being that, both dealt with Extra-marital relationships. I somehow convinced myself after watching the first, that the culture portrayed was far different from what prevails in India. The movie had a lot of false intimacy portrayed and the desperation the heroine showcased, was not justifiably pluralistic and quite unwarranted. No prizes for guessing , the name of the movie was Murder!

The second was the one I watched in Satyam, yesterday night show. This was a movie based on an English film and yet the concept didn’t look western to me at all. The story is about a female who flirts with married men and takes him for a ride. Takes him to a difficult situation and from there cunningly brings in her own husband to the scene. The husband poses as a stranger and starts to rob the guy of all his money. I didn’t want to narrate the movie but justify(in next few paras) as to why I made two convincing statements right at the beginning. When I said convincing I also wanted to convince you :)

Now I would cite some real life instances I have experienced myself, and one that was told to me by my friend….

One of my close friend lives in US and her husband works for a leading SW company. Her husband is working, for his employer’s client at Onsite. They had a friend who had also come to US through the same channel and for same reasons. This guy was in love with a Girl in US. This girl also happens to be a Indian immigrant into US..This cunning chap had been to India for few weeks and after he returned he was quite hesitant to invite his colleagues to his home. Suspecting some problem 2 months after (this is the frequency at which people meet each other in US), his friends sleuthed into his house, and to their shock they found a girl in his house. After talking to the girl the true story opened up. This guy is in love with a girl in US and when he had been to his village in India he was forced into a marriage, and he married this girl and brought the innocent girl to US and left her stranded inside the house. Just about when the girl could have done something silly, due to the loneliness she was through they found her. When they tried to talk with this guy it didn’t work and when they tried even talking to the girl whom he was in love with, she also refused to give up (American culture already in). Finally without any choice the girl was sent back to India.

Now the second incident where I was myself taken to a toss. I am used to be signed in from office in Yahoo. One such day I received an invite from someone who was already in my list. This person X when I asked told me, that her old id was hacked and this is her new id. She pulled me into a really usual conversation, and got quite some information about me. I was under no clue that I was being fooled by someone. After sometime this person told me that she/he didn’t have any contact id’s since her messenger was hacked and asked me to type in all the friends id’s I had in my messenger. I didn’t develop any suspicion even then! Thank God I was busy and I told her that I would take screenshots of my messenger and send it to her id. She insisted she wanted them immediately, but I was too busy for that job! Now innocently some 2 days later I took screenshot of my messenger and sent it to my friend’s corporate id. Must thank God again for this. This female replied with saying why I was sending screenshots of my messenger. Only then I realised from her that someone was picking all her friends messenger id and getting all information about her. And the database for all this is ORKUT. I was shocked at the cunningness and how intelligently I was victimized.

This blog is already lengthy I would end with this last para. The purpose I posted this blog was 1)to ridicule my optimism about this Indian culture and 2) To warn the readers. The Indian youth is as ogling, as any other youth around the world. I definitely know I can’t change the youth. If I cannot change one of my closest friends, who had been through torrid times because of a girl, and is now behind some other girl, I am quite sure I cannot change this youth of today. But I wanted to warn the society of so many cyber crimes and intelligent , cunning crimes that are creeping into the society these days.

Be Aware and stop ogling!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Indian World Cup Team- A critical Analysis!!

Before I get into any judgments I want to present the statistics I have collected about the current team selected that will represent India in the coming World Cup at West Indies.

1)Virendar Sehwag
Runs Scored: 4787
Wickets Taken: 71
2)Saurav Ganguly

Runs Scored:10412
Wickets Taken:93
3)Robin Uthappa
Runs Scored::203
Wickets Taken:0
4) Sachin Tendulkar
Runs Scored:14783
Wickets Taken:147

5)Rahul Dravid

Runs Scored:10044
Wickets Taken:4

6) Yuvraj Sigh

Runs Scored:4317
Wickets Taken:42
7)MS Dhoni
Runs Scored:1891
Wickets Taken:0

8)Dinesh Karthik
Runs Scored:145
Wickets Taken:0

9) Ajit Agarkar

Runs Scored:1240
Wickets Taken:270
10)Zaheer Khan
Runs Scored:490
Wickets Taken:170

11) Munaf Patel
Runs Scored:6
Wickets Taken:22

12) S Sreesanth
Runs Scored:7
Wickets Taken:34

13) Irfan Pathan
Runs Scored:1006
Wickets Taken:115

14) Anil Kumble
Runs Scored:938
Wickets Taken:334

15)Harbhajan Singh
Runs Scored:687
Wickets Taken:168
Total of Runs scored by the all the players in the team = 50956
Total of wickets taken by all the players in the team =1470
My Analysis

First Thoughts:

Any Reader who would even after a glance at the figures I have posted above, agree to the fact that this team is the strongest team that comes in to the World Cup.


I am sure (although I haven’t analysed other teams stats), that no other team that comes in to this world cup(even in the past) would have a aggregate of 51000 runs being scored by all of its players in ODI’s. I bet it wouldn’t be even close to 40k. And I wouldn’t even agree if someone posted a comment that all these runs came in the subcontinent. Nobody can deny the fact that Sachin, Rahul, Saurav and Sehwag have dominated or at least proved there stature in almost all the countries they have toured around the world. As always the bowling looks a little crippled. But then we have the best spinners in the world. Our two spinners together have 500 wickets. Again I want to challenge this figure against any other team.


I will start with the word “Consistency”. This is where, the figures 51000 and 1470 look SMALL.

Top Order: When Saurav is in form, Sehwag isn’t and the vice-versa.
Top Order: When Dravid is in form, Sachin isn’t and the vice-versa.

Middle Order: When Dinesh karthik is in form Yuvraj isn’t.

Middle order: When Dhoni is in form he is required to play a slow innings since all the above perished :).


Top Order: When Zaheer is consistent Sreesanth is not and the vice versa.

Top order: When Ajit agarkar is in form he is denied a team place and when Munaf is in form he
is out of the team as well. Alternatively when Ajit agarkar has lost his touch he is into the team and when Munaf is injured he is the striking bowler. Striking to him means lazy :).

X Order: I didn’t know if Irfan is a top order bowler or a middle order bowler or a batsman or a hitter. Dear reader please help me :)

Spinners: This is were India rocks. Irrespective of the track Indian spinners always bring in wickets. And hardly I have seen Bhajji or kumble give more than 6-7 runs per over even in crunch matches around the world.


On paper as always India has the best team. In batting we have the cushion to ignore the form of players. But in bowling I will want to advocate two spinners for all matches. Sachin or sehwag can add if spinners are exceedingly successful in a game. Zaheer and Ajit agarkar need to be two static seamers and the fifth spot for bowling can be Irfan/Sreesanth/None.

To finish I would say “If Indians cannot win the World Cup with this team they can not win the World cup for another 12 years atleast”.

Final words: Rely on Experience and aim for Consistency.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Celebrating Silence-Part2-The Finale.

As always I had two motivating forces behind sitting down and finishing this blog. One was a movie, Mr. and Mrs. Iyer, I watched yesterday night and other was the excellent thought I read yesterday in Orkut. As the previous one I will start this one, with a thought as well.

“Simplicity of character is the natural result of profound thought”

Simplicity breeds character. Many great people are admired for their simplicity. Simplicity erodes the Ego within the self. Great Saint’s living in this country, start cultivating this trait, and slowly start to realize one by one of the worldly truths and end up believing in nothingness!! A paradox -Realisation leads to nothingness. :)

Money is the source of Egotism. A man feels insecure without money, feels slightly secure with little money, plans for more security with more money, and again starts to feel insecure with more and more money. It’s an interesting circle with no specific radius. The more is the radius the more is the hollowness. The least the radius(dot) the more is the focus.

I remember an article I read about one of the leading Businessman in India. His market capitalization is around 10b$. And for all those who aren’t amazed at this figure, I am talking about an individual born and living in this country and is worth 45000 crore rupees. But his man still doesn’t believe in profligacy. He is one guy who will fit very well in the ambit of this topic “Celebrating silence”. When someone asked him how does he feel when someone quotes he is the Richest Indian? He replied instantly that “It means Nothing”. It means Great or Ordinary only to one who keeps this thought running through his mind Day In Day Out.

Only when someone thinks profoundly he would realise this world and his duties. And to think profoundly you need to simple. You need to shed all your Ego. Of wealth, position etc. Simplicity comes from Maturity, Maturity of thought. Maturity comes from Experience. Experience come by Age, it comes by realization and by shedding your Ego. And age isn’t fixed. Certain people feel matured in their age of 20’s like Swami Vivekananda, certain people feel it after grihastha, like Saint Thiruvaluvar, many people feel it in their 60’s. But sadly few don’t feel it until their death. And what would I say about them? Just that they didn’t shed their Ego. They didn’t grow to become experienced, Matured, Simple and above all Noble.

Thanks for your Time. Remember

"Keep money in the banks and not in your Mind..."

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Spurious Inflation

Spurious Inflation

Recently for the past one year there has been a lot of debate about Inflation hitting the economy hard. While it’s been heartening to note that the country’s GDP is growing at 9-10%, inflation is slowly inching towards 6-7%. So effectively it’s not a good symptom of growth. Even naïve economists will accept that a 2-3% difference in GDP and Inflation is not healthy signs. We can to some extent comment that the economy is effectively growing only at 2-3% !!!

To dig a little further I want to get down at basics. Basics meaning essential common man’s understanding of Economic growth. I was born in 1983 and since 2000(When i was 17 and in my first year of engg.) I am aware of what is the economic scene in India.I want to breakdown upon what was the cost of essential commodities in 2000 and what is the cost today….


1)Since 2000 a litre of aavin milk in Chennai, has not gone up by even a single rupee. It remains static at 13 rupees. A period of time when inflation has been around 4-5% on an average Year on Year(YOY). Even private milk is sold at the same price. Means, they are definitely not incurring losses.

2) The cost of a kilo of ponni rice (one of the finest quality of rice) in 2000 was around 15 rupees. The same is now available for 18-20 rupees.

3) The cost of wheat today is 18 rupees per Kg, again a marginal increase over 6 years.

4) Sugar is now costing 22-23 rupees against 15-16 rupees in 2000. Also most of dhall varieties haven’t had substantial price rise.

5) Even today a kilo of tomato is around 10 rupees, a kilo of lady’s finger is 10-15 rupees, a kilo of onion is around 15 rupees. A week’s vegetable cost for a family of four wouldn’t cross 50 rupees(1$) for sure.!!!

Caution: I am talking about a period of 6 years where the economy has had inflation of 4-5 % YOY and hence let the reader not assume I am presenting a biased opinion in the above statements. I am just comparing the prices relative to the inflation and time.
To Sum Up: Almost all the above mentioned food items, are not cost controlled by the government. And neither has there been a scarcity for procuring them by and large over the years.


1) Clothing is one sector which has burgeoned both in terms of choice and availability. Cotton is still cheap and plenty in availability with few takers. Polyester rules and today in Chennai you can buy a Men’s formal wear from 500 to 50000 or even more. We are not bothered about 50000. Still at 500-600 you get decent clothes that will satisfy the middle class.


1) This is my focus area!. In year 2000 you could get a rented house in suburb for 1000 rupees a month. In the city it was around 2000-2500. Reminder: I am writing everything with a middle class family outlook. Today in 2007 the same house in suburb will cost you 3000 and in city will cost you 10000. A classic 300% increase in suburb and 1000% increase for city. And should I talk about real Estate?? All my readers know the worsening trend. A nice opportunity for me to write a separate article about this.

I will stop here. Till now I wanted to really understand if the inflation has hit the economy hard. For me inflation w.r.t economy hits only the middle class and hence iam writing only about them. The rich class always lived rich. Why bother about them?

I will continue in my next article but I will end the article with few things that have inflated in price enormously over these 6 years. This will perhaps give a cue to what I am driving to when I say “Spurious Inflation”.

What has increased substantially in cost

Cinema tickets in multiplexes, Petrol/Gas, Real Estate, Restaurants, Automobiles, Gold, Swanky Gadgets, to name a few.

Hope my mood is caught :). But I want each of my reader to accept or criticize my views. I will publish my closing blog for this, next week.

Till then Happy Reading. !!!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Think Complicated

Think Complicated

One of my closest friend recently asked me, “What is the most fascinating thing for you about life?” I immediately said it’s the Human thought process. Reasoning out I said “For me the human thought process is the most diverse, innovative, impulsive and hence the most fascinating creation in a human. After all a software engineer will always enjoy only virtual things and not physical/real :).

I thought about writing under this topic after a series of movies I have watched recently. I must say I loved all of them just for the complicated thought process of its maker. I am calling this complicated thought because it’s quite out of common for me. Almost all of us have some thinking patterns oriented towards our fellow men. But only few men stand out, and think bizarre. This, is complicated thought process for me. It’s creative, credible and compulsive.

The films were Page3, Corporate and my ever famous evergreen Kamal haasan’s Anbe Sivam. All the films dealt with one social aspect or the other. But the intricacy of handling was ingenious. I want to express my fascination for each of the films in my subsequent para’s. Meanwhile I want my reader to think about these words in sync with this blog. Complicated, Controversial, unilateral. All these words drive me towards forming one opine which might be correct. The complicated thought process occurs when one challenges a system and tries to portray the system in a negative way, and in the process sow seeds of thought for a tree. This tree can either shower shadow through its branches above the ground or it can also spread its branches under the ground(roots) and destruct the constructions in its neighborhoods. How complicated was that ? :) .

To finish I wanted to express my fascinations at the films. Page 3 was an out and out heroine based movie. Something seen once in a decade in Indian cinemas. A thorough bioscope into the party animals of the high class society and try to hint at their false pretence living. And Corporate, again an madhur bhandarkar movie was hitting at the other upper class, not in society but in the corporate level. The movie was trying to expose the only intention with which corporate’s live, MARGINS!!. They can compromise on anything and everything to ensure their margins are intact and increasing…The third movie is one I have watched for 9th time in succession. A movie which will be among the best movies I have watched in my life time. I will definitely dedicate a separate single blog for anbe sivam when I watch it the next time. Still I wouldn’t be able to express my fullest fascinations for this masterpiece by Kamal. The movie out and out tries to criticize the society that believes that it is God, who does everything and we are just dolls in His puppet show. All along the movie tries to prove a theist wrong and tells him, what is true to him might be false and what is false to him might be true. Communism personified. But Alas not all Communists are Atheist’s :) .

Before I finish this thought struck my mind. Why was such an excellently crafted movie like anbe sivam an utter flop. Was it because it was too complicated for the mass to digest? Or was it because the movie was against the mass feeling of theism? Or as usually said was it because, Kamal or for that matter Lakshmi movie makers weren’t lucky? Luck is a mystical word. More so a divine word :) . Someone who does not believe in God cannot use this word.

Think about this!!! And don’t miss to watch these movies. Thanks for your time. Remember, Think Complicated :).